Saturday, September 13, 2008

Face the music, Laura, Face the music!

Oh, to procrastinate, or not? That is the question! Have you ever fallen behind on something so far that it just felt to daunting to even attempt to catch-up? That is what has happenned to me and our website. It all started with our kids' first double birthday. I was busy prepping for thier birthday, then planting the garden called to us next, followed by evenings of fun with family visits, reunions, star gazing, and now here I am harvesting the garden that was part of the beginning of all this procrastination. I owe an apology to all my faithful babyjellybeans viewers. Every once in awhile I would check the site and I would be astonished to see the visitor number steadily climbing, my face would turn a pinkish hue as I quickly retreated and closed the window before anyone would see just how much I have procrastinated. Now it is time for me to face the music! I shall post! I will catch you up on the past! I shall post! I will keep you informed of the future! I shall post!


Angela said...

the website is great! So much on there. It looks terrific, really! Thanks for doing it and sharing life with us!

AussieKails said...

Welcome back to the blogging world - we love keeping up with you guys from Australia! Who knows, maybe someday Kristi and I will even be able to meet the kids. :-)