Thursday, November 11, 2010

Anya is 6 months!

What a joy Anya's first six months have been!  Here are some highlights of her from the last few months.

- At her 6 month appointment she was 18 pounds 4 ounces (90%) and 27 3/4 inches tall (98%).
- She is very intense and determined to get her mouth on EVERYTHING! (Her intensity is what made her pediatrician predict crawling by 6 months and walking by 9 months.  So far her predictions have been right, but hoping the walking one is wrong. ;-) )
- Loves to chew on her fingers and cloth as a source of comfort.
- Enjoying 2 meals of food a day.  She had a steep learning curve with food and gagged a lot, but now she has learned how to move the food around and swallow it.  She LOVES to eat.  Feeding requires two spoons, one for her and one for me.
-Can use a soft spout sippy cup.  She can lift it to her mouth, but if the water comes out too fast, she needs help pulling it away.
- Has her two bottom teeth.
- Sat up independently by 4 months.
- At 5 months, up on hands and knees and scooted around the living room using a worm maneuver, toe pushes, elbow crawl, and rolls.
-At 6 months + 2 days she got up on hands and knees and crawled across the kitchen floor in a length of about 10 feet.
-Can go from her belly to a sitting position.
-Pull herself up to a standing position. (This is very scary as she is not stable on her legs and falls over easily like a big tree going "timber."  She has hit her head a couple of times already, ouch!)
-She pulled herself up on a laundry basket and side stepped around two sides before falling.
-Loves to stand.  She makes her body stiff when you try to sit her down because she wants to stand, not sit.
- Has become a real "Mama's girl" and cries a lot in the nursery at church and the fitness center.  (We are slowly making progress in this area, we just keep trying.)
-When with Dad or Mom, she is very happy and smiles at anyone who stops and talks to her.
- Laughs at everything Soren does, especially when he wrestles her.
- Loves it when Olivia sings to her and enjoys her gentleness which is in great contrast to Soren's touches.
-Enjoys peek-a-boo.
- Plays with her feet when nursing doing yoga type positions.
-Each week she gets fixated with a different sound. Sometimes it is a high soft "ahhhh" while other weeks its nonstop raspberries.
-She has some crazy hair going on.  It is getting beyond that butch look and actually laying down at times, but sometimes the static makes it stand on end, soooo funny.
- Horrible sleeper at night- typical night she may be up 3-4 times. (We are working on that and making great progress!)
-And in Olivia's words we all "can hardly remember life before Anya." 
- We love you Baby Anya!


Amy LaVonne said...

She looks SOO much like Soren! CRAZY! And way exciting! I still cannot wait to meet this little one! We live way to close for me not to have seen her yet! Hopefully soon! Love you cousin!!!

The Paine Family said...

I think Anya is quite the Ouimette/ Nelson blend. I see distinctly Soren and Olivia's features in her. So cute! Josiah also likes to "wrestle" Annette and so far she loves it. We'll see how long that lasts. Thanks for the great post.

Nicole Suzanne Farley said...

I missed this post somehow....she DOES look so much like Soren! What a BEAUTIFUL girl, I can't wait to meet her!