Sunday, March 22, 2009

Grandpa turns 60!

To celebrate my Dad's 60th birthday we had a fun-filled family weekend. My brother and his family, as well as my aunt from the Twin Cities all met at my parents' house. We decorated the living room with lots of balloons and streamers using both John Deere green and yellow for Dad's birthday, as well as Hawkeye colors of gold and black for Andrew, whose birthday is the following day. The balloons were a highlight as the kids played with them throughout the day and then the popping fun started. The kids laughed so hard watching Grandma and Grandpa sit on the balloons! I don't have a lot of photos from the event because I was trying to console a mighty fussy Soren. We had just finished a round of antibiotics for an ear infection, so I thought perhaps teeth? But when tylenol didn't help, we headed home early and went straight to the doctor's office and had both kids examined and sure enough, both kids' ear infections were back. So, we were given a stronger antibiotic this time, which eventually healed both the kids.

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